Atualmente, o Stardoll vem lançando vários itens e promoções relacionadas ao nosso Carnaval brasileiro, que está começando. Achei muito legal o Stardoll ter feito isso, principalmente porque as brasileiras representam boooa parte das usuárias do site (e também porque eu me idenfico e vejo coisas do lugar onde eu moro, que eu vejo todos os dias!) :)
E vocês, o que acharam? /
These are spoilers of itens inspired by Corcovado (or Cristo Redentor), a "monument/statue" of Jesus that is in the city of Rio de Janeiro, here (where I live lol) in Brazil!
It's a typical attraction of the wonderful city, and one of the 7 wonders of the world.
These dats, Stardoll has been releasing many itens and promotions related to our Brazilian Carnaval, that starts tomorrow. I think it's awesome that Stardoll made this, specially becouse the Brazilians represent a niiice part of the users (and also because I feel identified and I see things from the place I live, that I see evryday!) :)
What about you, what do you think?
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