Voces provavelmente ja souberam da noticia. Anteontem, dia 23 de julho, a talentosa e problematica cantora inglesa Amy Wineouse faleceu, com apenas 27 anos.
Amy foi encontrada morta em sua casa, em Londres. Nao se sabe ainda o que aconteceu e o que causou sua morte, mas imaginamos que tenha algo a ver com drogas e bebida. Durante quase toda sua carreira, a Amy passou por problemas com esses dois viloes. Entrava e saia da reabilitacao, fazia loucuras, se cortava, aparecia bêbada em shows e esquecia letras.
Mas algo nao podemos negar: ela tinha uma voz incrivel, era um talento, uma nova musa do jazz, e marcou o mundo da musica. Alem disso, seus pais sempre a consideraram uma filha adoravel, mas que vivia sempre nos extremos (grande parte causada pela doentia e louca relacao dela com o marido, Blake. Ela disse que morreria por ele.).
Honestamente, pelo menos para mim, nao foi uma surpresa muito grande ela ter falecido cedo. O jeito dela, seu historico, ja mostrava que era provavel isso acontecer. Amy era talentosa, mas nao lancava discos ou apresentava novidade mesmo ja havia anos, infelizmente. Mas e obvio que e sempre estranho nos acostumarmos a dizer "Amy foi uma cantora... Amy era talentosa... Amy cantava bem...".
O gigante aplique de cabelo, os olhos marcados com delineador... Talentosa, louca e autentica, Amy Winehouse se foi. Mas nao antes de marcar o mundo.
Alias, eu escrevi esse texto. Nao copiem, por favor./
You probably all heard the news. Two days ago, the talented and problematic English singer Amy Wineouse died, aged only 27.
Amy was foun dead in her residence, in London. We still don't know what happened or what caused her death, but it was probably related to drugs and alcohol. For almost her entire career, Amy had trouble with these two villains. She was always coming in and out of rehab, acting crazy, cutting herself, appearing drunk and forgetting lyrics at concerts.
But there's something we can't deny: she had an incredible voice, she was a talent, a new muse of jazz, and marked the world of music. Moreover, her parents always said she was a lovely daughter, but she was always lived in the extremes (largely caused by her sick and mad relationship with her husband, Blake. She said she would die for him.).
Honestly, at least for me, it wasn't a big surprise that she died early. Her way of live, her history, showed that it was likely to happen. Amy was talented, but she hadn't released albums or anything new for years, unfortunately. But obviously, it's always strange when we start saying "Amy was a huge singer... Amy was talented...". God, less than a year ago she came to my city to sing on a show!
The huge hair extension, the eyes with strong eyeliner... Talented, mad and authentic, Amy Winehouse is gone. But not before marking the world.
By the way, I wrote this text. Please don't copy it.
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